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Abstract Format

The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman font only.
Page Size and Margin: Abstract should be typed in A4 size (one page only) paper having One -inch margin on all sides using the following format:

• Abstract in Word document files will be accepted.
• Title of the paper: Running Sentence case (14pt)
• Name of Authors: Names of all the authors in the paper should be given, and presenting author should be underlined (12pt).
• Affiliation of Authors: Affiliation of all the authors should be given in detail and marked by numbers such as 1,2, 3.. etc., in case the authors’ affiliation is different (12pt).
• Email of the corresponding author.
• Main Body of abstract: It should be concise, typed in 11Pt only. The word limit is 300 words including references (if any).
• Keywords: Up to five keywords may be given
• Reference: 2 to 3 references may be given if authors need to include them.

Note- Scientific Committee of the conference will review the abstracts submitted for oral presentation. If the abstract is NOT accepted for oral presentation, it has to be presented as a poster, which will be communicated to the authors by email.

Poster Format

Poster format A1 - Height=122 cms and width=91.5 cms