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We are pleased to announce the international toxicology convention on “Emerging Approaches in Risk Analysis and Translational Aspects of Health and Environment (EARTH2024)” being organized by the CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Lucknow, India in association with ASTRA (Association of Toxicologists and Risk Assessors) and MichiganStateUniversity, USAas the overseas partner, during November 28 - December 01, 2024. The impact of human habits on our planet, Mother Earth, has been significant over the years. In the era of climate change, a comprehensive safety/risk assessment strategy should not only be based on a traditional mechanistic understanding of chemical toxicity but also should encompass exposure science, epidemiological data, and modern assessment/ prediction tools, including AI and ML. Such an approach prompts a paradigm shift in risk assessment and also in the way we address emerging contaminants or risks. Remaining true to this rationale, themes of this convention of the convention broadly are (a) Analytical Tools, Techniques, and assays for Research and Advancement of Competency in Toxicology (ATTRACT), (b) Risk Analysis: Techniques and Existing and Emerging Risks (RATE), (c) Public health and Environmental Toxicology (PET), (d) Development andManagement of Toxicology facility (DEMAT) (e) Digital Interfaces and Predictive Toxicology (DIPTox).

This convention intends to highlight the current knowledge and future perspectives on the above themes involving different stakeholders in specific sessions, panel discussions, and oral and poster presentations. This convention also marks the beginning of the diamond jubilee celebration of our Institute, CSIR -Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research is established in 1965 with the motto, “Safety to Environment and Health and Service to Industry”. CSIR-IITR, a GLOCAL centre of excellence in toxicology research, aims to provide implementable solutions through research and innovation for sustainable environment as well as improving human health. <>


• ATTRACT (Analytical tools, Techniques, and Assays for Research & Advancement of Competency in Toxicology)

• RATE (Risk Analysis: Techniques and Existing & Emerging Risks)

• PET (Public Health and Environmental Toxicology )

• DEMAT (Development and Management of Toxicology Facility)

• DIPTox (Digital Interfaces and Predictive Toxicology)



Dr. Robyn Leigh Tanguay

University Distinguished Professor in the
Department of Environmental and Molecular
Toxicology and the Director of the Superfund
Research Program and the Sinnhuber Aquatic
Research Laboratory

Oregon State University


Lisandra Meneses

PhD | Associate Professor Senior Researcher
(part-time) Estonian University of Life Sciences
Bioenergy and Biofuels Workgroup Member of
the Organizing Committee of the Conference
BSE 2024 Associate Editor of the Journal
Agronomy Research

Fr.R.Kreutzwaldi 56, Tartu 51006, ESTONIA


Prof Sandhya Babel

Thammasat University Pathum Thani



Prof Cristobal Aguilar
